В рамках работы по УМК «Spotlight 10» (Английский в фокусе. 10 класс) Афанасьевой О.В., Дули Д., Михеевой И.В. и др., Модуль 1
So, children have moved into rooms, and now it`s time to make friends with them and help them to make friends among themselves. Your team has prepared a video in which they tell about friendship. You have to study it, and then post to your Instagram Stories a video-answer for the children. You have to prepare a two-minute talk about:
if you have a lot of friends;
why your friends are important for you;
what qualities you look for in friends;
what you usually do with your friends.
Upload your video on Instagram
Use the offered materials to solve this problem.
List of human qualities
Loyal (adj) – firm in their support for a person
Selfish (adj) – caring only about themselves
Aggressive (adj) – angry and violent
Patient (adj) – calm, not easily annoyed
Respected (adj) – admired and considered
Dedicated (adj) – devoted and enthusiastic
Mean (adj) – unkind to another person
Caring (adj) – affectionate, helpful and sympathetic
Jealous (adj) – angry or bitter about sth
Creative (adj) – able to invent and develop original
Trusting (adj) – honest and sincere
Dishonest (adj) – not truthful, cannot be trusted
Supportive (adj) – kind and helpful durning difficult or unhappy
Moody (adj) – angry or depressed without any warning
Well-meaning (adj) – unsuccessful when trying to be helpful or kind